6 Tips for Teachers on Making Assessments Easy in Your Online Classroom
With online learning becoming more popular, determining its effectiveness is critical. Here is a list of some of the top online assessment tools to help you keep track of your students' online learning progress.
1. Formative
Formative is a free, well-designed assessment application that lets you collect student responses in a variety of ways, including drawings, audio recordings, drag-and-drop, and essays. You can either modify pre-existing assessments or construct your own from scratch. Formative assessment data is also recorded, allowing you to track student progress over time and in relation to pre-defined standards.
2. Google Forms
Google Forms supports both open and close-ended questions and hence can be used for gathering assessment data through both subjective surveys and objective quizzes. While quizzes can be auto-scored and save a lot of grading time, the subjective answer data yields rich insights into the individual student’s journey and progress.
3. Kahoot
Kahoot is a very popular quizzing platform that helps you gauge student understanding as they engage in some competitive fun over its lively, game-like interface. Create your own MCQs or choose from the vast library available as you seek to identify areas that require follow-up while boosting student retention of topics.
4. Socrative
Socrative is an online tool that allows for ‘grading at the pace of learning’. You can use ‘Quick Questions’ for gauging understanding on-the-fly or conducting polls to understand student opinion to help shape your future strategy. Exit tickets allow you to assess the effectiveness of a day’s teaching while a fun ‘Space Race’ encourages healthy competition while students put their learning to test. Socrative populates student results in real-time, allowing you to visualise their understanding instantly.
5. Recap
Recap is a unique new assessment tool that has students showcase their understanding in the form of video responses to assessment questions. This not only allows you to monitor student learning but also build-up towards it by sparking curiosity, inquiry and self-reflection through the nature of your questioning.
6. Real-time assessments through Video-conferencing tools
Video conferencing tools such as Zoom, Google Meets, etc. allow you to engage in synchronous interpersonal dialogue through student interviews or monitor student inputs as they engage in discussion with you or with one another, providing often unstructured, but rich insight into their understanding.
Depending on your assessment objectives, you can draw on the unique strengths of these diverse platforms to best help you conduct a rigorous, engaging and effective assessment that yields comprehensive data that helps you understand student progress, identify remediation needs, and make the modifications required to your teaching.
Make sure you try these tools and also share this resource with fellow teachers.