ACT Broadband plan perfect for gaming & streaming in Delhi

Friday, Sep 30, 2022 · 15 mins


Broadband Plan in Delhi for Gaming and Streaming

Have you purchased a big 4K and HDR TV only to discover that streaming television and movies results in decreased video quality or, worse, buffering? That means you should double-check that you have the greatest broadband deals and ask yourself, "What broadband speed do I need for streaming?" before fiddling with the settings.

If your internet is slow, check to see if you're getting the speed you need from both your broadband service provider and your home's WiFi configuration. However, the first step is to determine how much bandwidth you require.

Understanding Bandwidth and Latency for Speed Issues

Broadband service providers showcase internet plan speeds based on the maximum download bandwidth. Bandwidth refers to how much data your internet can send and receive to your computer every second. Latency is measured as the complete time it takes for this information to reach your computer.

Many people wonder why we measure internet speed in bandwidth instead of latency. Latency differs by just microseconds, which is important for gaming but a very minor aspect for other online activities.

Why do I require high-speed internet for streaming?

To begin, perform a broadband speed test to determine the speed of your current connection. Then you'll know what else you'll need to help you get up. It's that simple: if it's less than 3Mb, you'll have trouble getting high-definition video. If you don't have enough bandwidth, your streaming service will reduce the quality in order to keep the movie running.

That means you won't have to deal with a programme halt or the dreaded buffering symbol. However, it also means that you may be receiving lower-quality products without even recognising it. It's one of those instances where you could happily watch it. But then you realise what you've been losing out on when someone shows you what you might be watching in full definition.


Speed Requirement

General web surfing, email, social media

1 Mbps

Online gaming*

1-3 Mbps

Video conferencing**

1-4 Mbps

Standard-definition video streaming

3-4 Mbps

High-definition video streaming

5-8 Mbps

Frequent large file downloading

50 Mbps and up

Speed you need for streaming with broadband in Delhi

The rates necessary for streaming each service vary, but Netflix is an excellent yardstick to use because it is one of the most efficient when it comes to bandwidth usage. Netflix claims that a 25Mbps connection is required for 4K and HDR quality. To achieve that level, you'll need a high-speed fibre broadband connection.

  • 25Mb - 4K and HDR

  • 5Mb - HD

  • 3Mb - SD

  • 1.5Mb - Recommended minimum

  • 0.5Mb - Required minimum

Speed you need for gaming in with broadband in Delhi

You don't need business-speed internet to play games smoothly, but you do need at least 15-20Mbps from your broadband service provider if you're going to play them. However, you must consider your bandwidth. The speed of your Internet connection has a significant impact on your online gaming experience. Most video game console makers recommend a download speed of at least 3 Mbps and an upload speed of 0.5 Mbps to 1 Mbps as an "excellent internet speed." Because we live in such a connected society, the number of devices connected to your network will also have an effect on your gaming experience. Choosing a higher internet speed tier allows you to transmit more data, giving you more flexibility and reducing the likelihood of other network limits affecting your game. We recommend speed tiers with download speeds of 300 Mbps or higher for the best gaming experience.

ACT Broadband Plans for Gaming and Streaming

Fiber optic cables are the latest technology in the internet service business. These connections make use of fiber optic cables which transmit data at the speed of light. Unlike cable or DSL, the transmission happens over glass and this is immune to all interference. There are two broad types of fiber connections - direct internet access (DIA) and a fibernet broadband. Direct internet access is an option more commonly used by businesses as it is a dedicated internet line that provides more security and reliability of connectivity. Fibernet broadband is used by individuals at homes. Fibernet speeds range from 150 Mbps to 1000 Mbps

ACT Fibernet currently offers three broadband plans in Delhi, each of which includes a unique set of services in addition to high-speed Internet access. Let's look at the ACT Fibernet broadband plans in Delhi in more detail. The ACT Silver Promo, which offers 150 Mbps for 799, is the cheapest plan. The ACT Platinum promo, which offers 250 megabits per second for 1049, and the ACT Diamond promo, which offers 300 megabits per second for 1349, are the next two options.



ACT Fibernet Plans

Internet speeds

Monthly Data

Rs 799

100 Mbps


Rs 1049

200 Mbps


Rs 1349

300 Mbps


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